
Companies Amendment Bill, 2021

Mr. Sajjad Hussain is heading Administration Wing of the Board of Investment, and responsible for Human Resource, General, Accounts, and Protocol Sections. In his 34 year long career as a Government Officer, he served Board of Investment since 2005 prior to his appointment in Agriculture Price Commission in 1987. During his career, he has attended local and foreign training programs and represented Pakistan at several high level forums in China, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, Brazil, Belarus, Italy and Bahrain. Human resource of the office at executive level is drawn mainly from amongst the core of Commerce and Trade Group officers who possess ample experience of working with the business community as a part of their job placement. The retiring directors shall continue to perform their functions until their successors are elected. Total 5 steps were involved for payment of taxes including the visit of taxpayer to NBP or SBP. He has remained involved in a number of reform, modern

Farah Hussain Biography

Explaining the title of the book, ‘Unravelling Gordian Knots’, he narrated how Alexander the Great was confronted with a complex knot and how effectively he dealt with it. Similarly, Dr. Husain has been confronted with many such knots in his various assignments and he solves them seamlessly, be it policy reforms or transforming institutes. He credited Dr. Husain as a modest individual who speaks humbly about his phenomenal achievements. He said that he decided to pen this book because institutions are key to a country’s progress and Dr. Husain had transformed many institutions which makes the biography a blueprint for national development and policy makers . Jobs In K21 Channel Karachi Furthermore, there is a dearth of role models and Dr. Husain with his contributions of over 60 years in diverse fields makes him a great role model and an example for young adults. Thirdly, he is inspiring figure and the author wanted to encapsulate Dr. Husain’s life lessons for the future generation